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Builders Exchange

T&C are sponsors, as well as participants of the BX/AGC Mentoring Sporting Clays Tournament, supporting the ACE Mentor Program (Architecture – Construction – Engineering)

ABOUT ACE:  Founded in 1994, the ACE Mentor Program of America (ACE) is a free, award-winning, afterschool program designed to attract high school students into pursuing careers in the Architecture, Construction, and Engineering industries, including skilled trades. ACE is a federation of more than 70 affiliates (chapters), operating in 37 states and largely based in metropolitan areas, which deliver the program. A national office coordinates and assists affiliates.


  • Over 10,000 students participate annually, drawn from approximately 1,100 high schools.
  • The majority of ACE students (69%) are minority, and one-third female.
  • One-quarter of ACE seniors entering college are first-generation students.
  • More than 4,100 volunteer industry professionals mentor student teams through a 35-hour long simulation of designing and constructing a project.
  • Approximately $2.5 million in scholarships are awarded annually to high school seniors and alumni studying to pursue industry-related careers. 
  • ACE also offers students summer camp and internship opportunities.


  • Annually, more than 70% of ACE seniors enter a skilled trades program or college with an industry-related major. 
  • Large majorities of students report in surveys that as a result of their ACE experience they:
    • Felt more motivated to attend college.
    • Learned skills and knowledge not taught in their classrooms.
    • Gained useful information about the design and construction industry.
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