
& Recycling

At T&C, we have extensive experience in demolition and recycling services.  Our demolition projects have included two major government housing complexes for the Louisville Metro Housing Authority that made way for more modern, affordable living solutions in the downtown Louisville area.  Steel and concrete from the structures were recycled, with much of the concrete being re-used in the new development for roads and parking areas.  We have an extensive fleet of demolition and recycling equipment, which include:

  • Concrete & steel processors
  • Portable rock crushers & screens
  • Hydraulic breakers
  • Material handling equipment
detail machinery shot

We also assist our site development customers with LEED certification by identifying and quantifying recycling opportunities.  On one demolition project, two World War II-era warehouses constructed by the Army were removed to make way for a modern, LEED-certified logistics facility.  Wooden beams from the interior were carefully removed and transported to be reused in modern structures as “antique” wood.  The concrete floor slabs and foundations were recycled and used in the construction of the new facility.  The majority of the old brick was also carefully removed and cleaned to be reused in modern homes and buildings.

detail shot of an excavator
Demolition and Recycling Projects
Louisville Airpark
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Heavy machinery with sunset behind